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Experience trusted, friendly and professional Chiropractic care in Cardiff

Matthew Corbin D.C
Jan 54 min read
Understanding Infraspinatus Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions
The infraspinatus muscle, part of the rotator cuff in your shoulder, plays a critical role in stabilizing and moving the shou....

Matthew Corbin D.C
Apr 22, 20244 min read
Understanding Foot Extensor Tendinopathy: A Guide for Runners by a novice Cardiff runner!
I'm going to be selfish and talk about me again. Why? Because it's still a relevant chiropractic and sports issue, that many can gain an ins

Matthew Corbin D.C
Feb 5, 20245 min read
To Run, or not to run that is the question. Cardiff chiropractor talks about running.
To run or not to run that is the question. Love it or hate it, there is no denying it's good for you. A low heart rate, lower blood pressure

Matthew Corbin D.C
Jan 22, 20243 min read
Stretching: An Essential FAQ Guide by a Cardiff Chiropractor
I treat a lot of hypermobility patients here in Cardiff. You can read about hypermobility here. People who are double jointed or overly be..

Matthew Corbin D.C
Jan 7, 20243 min read
Cardiff Chiropractor helps treat plantar Faciitis pain.
The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes. It acts as a sh..

Matthew Corbin D.C
Oct 30, 20181 min read
Quadratus Lumborum Spasm
Corbin's Case Study: (With permission from the patient). At first you may think this young and otherwise healthy male has scoliosis (a...
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