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Experience trusted, friendly and professional Chiropractic care in Cardiff
Matthew Corbin D.C
Nov 11, 201712 min read
Chronic Back Pain: The Rabbit Hole Of Research, Ideas, Philosophy and Winging It
Welcome to the rabbit hole that is chronic back pain, I'm going to dive off into different tangents, avenues and directions. It's a long...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Nov 6, 20171 min read
How To: Stretch Your Upper Traps
Ever feel tight and restricted in your neck? A feeling of tension and achenes? This is a great stretch for you! We often hold our tension...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Oct 30, 20173 min read
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) a Definitive Guide:
It's that time again, dum dum duuuum! time to go to sleep, you might be thinking what am I in for tonight, how bad is it going to be or...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Oct 30, 20171 min read
Factoid on Hair
Factoid: Did you know that the average human has around 100,000 hairs on it's scalp! #cardiff
Matthew Corbin D.C
Oct 23, 20171 min read
Optical illusion
Feel confused? That's because your brain is going into overdrive trying to figure out the many shapes and close knit colours. Our brains...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Oct 2, 20173 min read
Why Do So Many People Choose Chiropractic?
It's always nice to start the week busy, it keeps me motivated, it keeps me learning new things and more importantly I get to help more...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Sep 28, 20171 min read
Sneeze Factoid
A sneeze can reach speeds of 100 mph! They can also feel good because they release a fast burst of endorphin's #Sneeze #Valsalva...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Sep 18, 20171 min read
Factoids: About The Heart
1. Your heart beats up to 100,000 times a day! Your heart is made of cardiac muscle so is incredibly strong too. People who have heart...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Sep 15, 20171 min read
Facts About The Shoulder
The shoulder joint is one of the most mobile and complicated joints we have. It can move in just about every direction, can take a...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Sep 10, 20171 min read
Your Glutes Are Strong, Or Are They?
Your glutes are very important that's why I test them all of the time. Inhibited glutes means that the connection between the muscle and...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Aug 29, 20171 min read
Factoid: Your eyes are King
Factoid: Our muscles are constantly moving, they work hard so we can get from A to B. But did you know our eye muscles are the busiest...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Aug 20, 20171 min read
Factoid: Your Tummy Is Cleaver
The inner lining in your stomach is remade every 3 days so not to digest itself. Nice! Our stomach can hold about 3 litres of liquid and...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Aug 14, 20171 min read
Factoid About the Brain
Did you know that 80% of the brain is made up of water! A good reason to keep hydrated for us to function like we all should. Not...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Aug 10, 20171 min read
A Quick factoid about DNA
Factoid: If you stretched out the DNA from every cell in the human body and stuck them end to end, it would reach the moon and back 4...
Matthew Corbin D.C
May 23, 20171 min read
A Quick Muscle Factoid
There are around 680 muscles in the human body, some of us are missing some and others can even have extra ones. Some debate whether some...
Matthew Corbin D.C
May 5, 20174 min read
Supraspinatus tendinitis: A quick overview for the patient.
:This blog is a quick overview on the causes and treatment of supraspinatus tendonitis: This is an issue I see every week in the office....
Matthew Corbin D.C
Mar 20, 20165 min read
Runner's knee: Can you go as far as you see?
Marathon's are super popular right now, people are getting educated on the benefits of exercise so they are grabbing an OK pair of...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Feb 29, 20162 min read
The Psoas Muscle And The Importance Of Keeping It Healthy
For some of you it may be really relevant and for some of you not at all until you experience back, groin or even leg pain. I'm going to...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Jan 4, 20167 min read
Click And Pop! Chiropractic Is The New Hip Hop!
A patients guide to the science behind Chiropractic manipulation Chiropractic is over 100 years old (born in 1895) with an interesting...
Matthew Corbin D.C
Oct 16, 20155 min read
How heavy is your bag? What?!! You must be mad!
Welcome back to Corbin’s Chiro Blog Today’s topic is about bag carrying, purses or rucksacks, either one could be setting you up for an...
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